Readership Profiles
Rolling Stone
Rolling Stone
magazine sells approximately 1.4 million magazines a year. 61.7% of its adult
readership is male, and 50% of sales come from 18-34 year olds.
This magazine is aimed more at men than women, as
the colours are serious and the dominant image is of a hip-hop icon (2Pac),
which is a predominantly male appealing genre. This also appeals to working
class people, more those in black communities, as that is where the genre is
most popular. Additionally, the cover-line on drugs may appeal to working and
middle class people, as they are more likely to do drugs than upper class
people. The age range for readership is
around 16-35, as this is the age at which hip-hop is the most popular. The
readership’s social grades are B, C1, and C2, as they are the groups that are
appealed to by hip-hop music, but they also have enough disposable income to
afford a magazine like Rolling Stone. For modern hip-hop the age range is more
likely to be 16-25, but the “Greatest hip-hop songs of all time” will most
likely extend further back and appeal to a slightly older audience. This
magazine appeals to people who enjoy music, more than people who see it as a
hobby, due to the fact that there are other stories unrelated to music, such as
“Will Obama Try to Kill Legal Pot?” and “Secrets of ‘The Hobbit’”. It is most
likely for people who have a broad range of music and media in general, but
also those who do not use the internet a huge amount, as wider media stories
are often gathered from the internet. The personality types of Rolling Stone
readers would be Mainstreamer and Aspirer, with perhaps some Strugglers or
Resigned, due to the main article’s subject matter.
Metal Hammer
Metal Hammer is a
metal music magazine with a yearly circulation of 20,961.
This magazine definitely appeals to men more
than women, as the models are up close and in stereotypically “tough” poses
(especially the model in the background rather than the foreground). They also
both embody the “manly” image, which is long beards and chiselled, weathered
faces. The Social Grade of the readership is middle class (ABC1), include upper
and lower, but mainly the lower half, as the genre of music appeals mainly to
that demographic. This is backed up by the cover line, which is about the
classic metal band Slayer. People who were fans of Slayer when they were at
their most successful are now most likely middle class, so are the prime
demographic for the magazine. Additionally, two of the secondary cover lines
are about classic bands, specifically “Motorhead Studio Exclusive” and the line
“Corey Goes Classic”, which shows that a large amount of the content is aimed
at an older audience. The main age range for readership would be 18-45, as the
magazine appeals to an older range of people outside of the traditional
magazine readership age range. The cover lines on the cover also all refer to
music and music news, so unlike Rolling Stone magazine, Metal Hammer is aimed
specifically at metal fans, instead of just people who are interested in music,
which reflects the specialised the genre is. The personality types of Metal
Hammer readers are most likely Explorers and Reformers, as Explorers enjoy new
frontiers and are the first to try new things, while Reformers enjoy freedom
from restriction, which is often embodied in metal music. Some readers may also
be Aspirers, as some parts of metal are focused on image and appearance, which
appeals to Aspirers.
NME Magazine
New Musical Express
is a music magazine created in 1949, and went free in 2015. Pre price drop it
had a circulation of around 15,000, and has a post price drop circulation of 300,000.
The magazine is aimed at both men and women, judging
from the models used on the cover. Palma Violets are a modern Indie Rock band,
which is a genre appealing to both men and women, specifically those between
16-25. The secondary cover articles also cater to both men and women’s taste,
with bands like Foo Fighters and Florence + The Machine. This magazine’s Social
Grades are ABC1, as these are the Grades who are interested in the music
covered in the articles, and have the time and money to go to the concerts
advertised on the cover. However with the price drop, classes C2, D, and E may
also read the magazine, even if nothing directly appeals to them, meaning some
ads may be targeted toward them. The magazine covers a wide variety of musical
genres, unlike Metal Hammer, but unlike Rolling Stone, their articles are still
mainly about music. With their change to a free magazine, NME has moved towards
more pop-culture orientated articles, obviously in an attempt to attract more
readers. The age range for readership is similar to that of indie music, so
16-25, as they are most interested in the new music covered in the magazine.
Older people may also be appealed to, mainly because of the lack of a price tag
rather than the content being covered is meant to appeal to them. The
personality types of the readers would be Aspirer and Mainstreamer, as Mainstreamers
like following trends, which are covered by NME, and Aspirers are inclined
towards image and appearance, which is again covered by NME magazine.
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