What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
The magazines published by Time Inc. UK cover a large variety
of hobbies and pastimes, but they are mainly targeted at women rather than men,
and many of their magazines focused at men are about sports – shooting, sailing
etc. The magazines published by Bauer Publishing Group get much closer to my
target market, with many automotive magazines and music magazines. These are
aimed more at men than women, compared to Time Inc. UK.
The music magazines published by Time Inc. UK focus on two
very different areas. NME focuses solely on new music and acts, but Uncut,
their other music publication, is more about older music. The genres most
popular with Uncut Readers are Rock, Classic Indie, and Americana. These differ
quite a lot with the genres popular with my target market. Although Rock may
overlap, it is more likely to be older Rock with Uncut fans, and newer Rock
with my fans. Additionally, Classic Indie and Americana are very different to
metal, which is the main genre popular with my magazine’s fans.
The magazines published by Bauer Publishing Group line up
slightly more with my target audience, but not exactly, due to the niche nature
of my chosen genre. Mojo Magazine focuses on new music, but does not limit
genre, so it features a lot more pop music than my target audience would want
to read about. Q gets slightly closer to my target audience, as it focuses on
modern music “distilling it down to the good stuff”, which would resonate with
the part of my target audience looking for new bands curated by people with
good taste. They also cover gigs, something my magazine also uses as a selling
point, but like Mojo, the bands covered are of a slightly wider variety of
genres than what my target audience listens to. Kerrang! gets closest to my
target audience, covering new rock bands. However, many bands in Kerrang!
suffer from being more about image than music, something I wanted to move away
from with my magazine.
I believe that Time Inc. UK has a better market for my
product, as my magazine focuses on a target audience very different to any that
they try to sell to with their other magazines. This means that they would be
targeting a whole new group, instead of trying to sell another magazine to the
same group. The magazines published by Bauer Publishing Group are too similar
to the other interests of my target audience, meaning that they would be trying
to sell at least two magazines to a target audience, which could hurt the sales
of both, as people may be unwilling to buy more than one magazine style
publication a month.
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