Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Evaluation Q7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

One of the biggest things I have learnt is an understanding of conventions in creating a realistic magazine. My preliminary project lacks a barcode, which immediately makes it look less like a real magazine. 

I have also learnt how to use typeface and colour scheme to appeal to a target audience. My preliminary project uses a very dull typeface, and uses both black and white outlines to make the text easier to read. The means there is no consistency in the cover, and it has no identity or style to appeal with. My choice of typeface on my final cover is much better at appealing to my target audience, as it uses a gothic style common in the music genre. It also uses Drop Shadow instead of outline to make text easier to read, which has the side effect of making it stand “off” the background, which also makes it more professional looking. The constant colour scheme through my final cover also creates a house style recognisable from a distance.

My ability in Adobe Photoshop has also massively increased between my preliminary task and my full product. I initially knew very little of Photoshop, having only casually used it once or twice. Through the project, I became more confident with layering and advanced tools like Drop Shadow, allowing me to make more complex text. My increased ability meant I could also edit my image to the point where I could choose a background to place it on, unlike with my preliminary project. I was also able to manipulate the models through layering, allowing me to make the image a better size to fit the magazine, whilst also making it look more like what I envisioned it to be. Being able to edit images with more advanced techniques meant I did not need to make a blue mask for the frontman, as I could have him wear a mask and just edit the colour.

Overall, I am very happy with the progress I have made through the project in understanding media and the conventions within, and I feel I have created a product that  I can be proud of.

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