Friday, 16 September 2016


Preliminary Project Evaluation

In my front cover, I have both used and challenged conventions. For example, I have used the convention of having cover lines consist of a larger phrase to catch the reader’s attention, and then a longer phrase underneath expanding on the subject. I challenged the convention of having the masthead at the top of the magazine with the slogan above or underneath by having the masthead down the side of my magazine with the slogan perpendicular at the top. I chose to do this so that my magazine stands out from the standard design, but not too much as to be confusing and put off potential readers.

I believe my front cover has turned out well. Comparing the final image with the image I started with, you can see that I managed to increase the overall quality of the photo, as well as turn it into a magazine cover.

I feel that my choice of house style could have been improved, as I did not factor in the colour of my background in the design stage, so the colour of the text did not show up well without a black or white outline. I also feel my choice of font did not fit the type of magazine I was looking for, as it was too bland.

I think that my time management could have been improved, as at the beginning of the project I did not have the focus I have at the end. If I had started with the mind-set I have at the end of the project, I could have spent more time on creating my front cover. Although I am happy with how it came out, I still feel I could have improved it more.

For my main coursework portfolio, I need to begin with the correct mind-set, in order to maximise the time I have to complete the project. Additionally, I should plan the cover photo and background, along with the layout and design of the front cover, before deciding on a house style, allowing me to properly co-ordinate the colour scheme. I should also focus somewhat on the smaller details of a magazine cover, which will allow me to create a more accurate and believable image for my portfolio.

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