Sunday, 11 September 2016

Readership Profile

Readership profile:

The audience for my magazine is males and females between the ages of 16-18 studying at The Downs School Sixth Form. This is a varied readership profile, so to appeal to as many as possible, I need to cover a wide variety of subjects and areas, so that there can be at least something for everyone. I should also avoid polarizing topics (such as politics), so that people are less likely to disagree with the magazine, and then not read it.

I have spoken to a number of my peers about what they would want from a Sixth Form magazine, and these are the answers they gave:

·         “I want information about what’s going on behind closed doors at the school”

·         “Juicy goss”

·         “Useful information”

·         “Make it not boring”

·         “I’m not paying for it, I don’t care how good it is”

Out of my sample group, not a single person said they would be willing to pay for a Sixth Form magazine, therefore I have decided my magazine will be free.
It seems the most popular topics for a school magazine would be topics about the school, and the interactions between people at school, meaning polarizing topics will not be an issue. To make the magazine “not boring”, I will employ an informal tone, which will engage readers. Additionally, information about upcoming events around the school would also motivate people to read the magazine.

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