Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Magazine Plan

For my magazine name, I have multiple ideas. These are:
  • 6th Forum 
  • 12+13
  • Six

I have decided to use the name “6th Forum”, as it is the most inventive name I came up with, being a pun on “6th form” and “Forum”.

For a slogan, I will use the phrase "The front page of your school". This is similar to a famous internet forum, so some readers will recognize this and may be more likely to read the magazine.

House Style

For my colour scheme, I have chosen to use Forest Green for the main colour and white for the text on top of it, with the articles written in black with a white background. I decided on this colour scheme because it does not use any jarring colour combinations (like the school logo’s colour scheme), so it is easier to read and also creates a relaxed tone. The dominant font will be Verdana, with titles in bold. I chose this font because it looks professional and easy to read, but is not the standard pick of Times New Roman or Arial. It should look something like this: 

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