Monday, 14 November 2016

Ideas for my magazine's name

Name Ideas

Rocknroller – This name will grab the attention of both rock and metal fans, however as I am making a metal magazine, it may not properly convey the genre to potential buyers. I feel that, given the chosen genre, this name is too vague and generic.

Metal – This name is much more accurate to the genre covered, however it is a bit ‘on the nose’. It does not have any nuance or personality to it, and this could put off some of the target audience, who may want a magazine that feels like it has a personality and is ‘different’.

Black – This name has a bit more nuance to it. It refers to a particular sub-genre of metal, called ‘black metal’. This name would convey the genre, but only in the context of music magazines, and it is also quite plain.

Obsidian – This name is similar to ‘black’, and carries the same dark connotations without being quite as literal. It is also specific enough that it can be used as a brand, like Q. It is also not as broad as ‘Rocknroller’, so fans of rock and other genres, aka those outside the target audience, are less likely to buy it and be dissatisfied.

Pickup – This name refers both to the component of an electric guitar, and what you want people to do with your magazine. However, I feel this is too vague and could possibly get confused with the confectionary of the same name.

Loud Sound – This is a simple but effective title, it quickly conveys to the reader the contents of the magazine. I feel that this name could be good, but does not convey any specific genre past the fact that it is a music magazine.

I have decided to use the name Obsidian, as while it does not directly convey that it is a music magazine, it does imply the genre when taken in the context of music magazines.

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