Magazine Photography
This picture was my initial idea for the front cover, but after taking it, I feel that the dimensions of a magazine cover do not compliment the image very well, so it would not look very good. I may use these photos on the feature article page, but they will not be the dominant image on the cover.
The second two, where they are stood closer together work more, but if I were to use an image, I prefer how they look in the first images, so I would use a photo editing suite to move them closer together, as I still feel they could stand closer. During the photo shoot, they were not able to stand any closer due to the floor dropping off.
I will use these images two images on the contents page as other artists in order to increase the volume of content to seem more realistic. I think the suits are too messy to be usable on the feature article page as the band, but they may look good.
During the photo shoot, I had the idea of having the band wear masks, to maintain their mysterious image, but also be able to face the camera. We found two styles of mask, these deformed orange latex masks, and some solid emotion masks. They are both typically used in dramatic performances, so they fit the idea of the band being "performers". I much prefer the design of these masks, but they did not fit particularly well, so the image looks slightly off. I may use it on the contents page or feature article, but not the front page.
These are the other masks I found, and this is the image I will use for the front cover. I am not particularly fond of the masks, as they seem plain, but it will not be difficult to change their colours using a photo editing suite. Additionally, I would like them to be stood closer together, so they could take up more space on a magazine cover, so I will move them closer in editing. I will also change the background to be something much darker, in order to fit with the "metal" themes of the magazine.
I will use this image on the contents page as another artist.
I will not use these two images, as I have no need for them. I have photos for the contents page and the feature article, so they don't fit in anywhere.
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